Hellcat the feline

Hellcat Title.

Hellcat the feline.

Hellcat was another bit of a production I did in mid 2000's trying to focus more of coloring and style. once again, from a profile sheet to poses sketch out to the final creations colored in Photoshop and rendered in Lightwave. This one I spent a bit of time on as it was one of my characters for the longest time in the 90's. A lot of drawsings I could not calculate how long it took me. But I do know the background that was rendered out in LightWave took about 7 hours to do because I had it rendering at 600dpi.

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Quake 2 MD2 – Mazen Opossum

Mazen Title.

Because we were super bored, we are republishing our very first Quake 2 character, Mazen.

A long time ago and many computers passed we created our very first quake2 model. It was supposed to be an anthropomorphic Opossum by the name of "Mazen" and he was a model that can be used in quake2 for multiplayer deathmatches. Although getting the exact date and time of creation was difficult. I wrote a PDF tutorial on making quake2 and quake 3 models which had a creation date of October 14th of 2001. However, the last modified date of Mazen was March 03, of 2004. So we will go off of the last known edit date and place this blog entry on that date to not alarm anyone that this is "New" content we are adding here.

Between the creation of Quake 2 XP edition which had high-res textures as well as the RTX edition. We couldn't just release the classic Opossum model by itself. For starters, it couldn't even load in Quake 2 XP because the PCX images used were in a non-standard format. Well. We corrected that, as well as videos and downloads showing the entire process.

Read on if you wish to know more.

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Epic – Human Character

Epic Title.

Epic - A space scene

Epic is another color picture from my portfolio. This time a human! Yes, I know! I do draw them. Not as often as I should though. Epic was done with PhotoShop and lightwave 6.0. It was a little experiment to play with reflection in the background as well as an attempt to add some balance in my portfolio. This area will show from start to finish what I did on this one.

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Rhino Head complete full Color Artwork

Rhino - Title

Scraps of a rhino character made.

Rhino. For this sketch, I decided to ink and color and throw together a backdrop in lightwave using an array multiplier and then colored one of my quickly inked drawings on top. This species and type of character does not often get much for draw-time as they should.  The basic inking was done with a pencil for the raw sketches. afterward, using a Sumi-E pen just for inking and to see how my pen was operating at the time.

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WolfGun – Wolf with Gun Color

WolfGun - Title

WolfGun Color Picture

WolfGun is a art piece that I did as a test run in photoshop to see if I can pull off cel-art style look and use nothing but special effects within the photoshop plugins library. Nothing much else to really say on this.

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Falling Down.

Falling Down title.

Falling down fight scene.

Falling down is another color picture I did and for the time was one of the longest render scenes I did in Lightwave due to all of the reflections going on. Processed about a week on a pentium 2 300mhz. and the colored later in photoshop.

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Flay / Hyena Colored Art

Flay the Hyena - Title.

Flay the hyena!

What started out as just a simple sketch evolved into completed pictures and 3-d artwork of a character I dubbed "Flay" the Hyena. I was toying with the concept of cel-shading and seeing if I can do shading using only material properties and no special texture UV maps. See the results for yourself. Nearing the end my 3-d program lightwave was making decent hand-colored pictures.

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Final Fight – Lizard and Parrot

Final Fight Title.

Lizard vs. Parrot -The first attempt of 3-d and 2-d art.

Not much data was left to post of the progress of this picture except for the fact that this was one of my first attempts at hybrid artwork. That is with hand-drawn characters in the foreground with 3-d rendering in the background. Total time to render was approximately 4-5 hours on a Pentium II 400Mhz processor. Lizard fighting parrot action!

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