SSL for bloggers

SSL for the extra paranoid blogger!

SSL is an acronym of (Secure Socket Layer) and is commonly used on a website whenever confidential information is passed between the client and the server under the HTTPS protocol. Commonly, SSL is used for E-Commerce because you know, credit card data security is kind of important!

But if it's for commerce why really have it on a WordPress site that sells nothing? What the hell S? What are you doing wasting perfectly good money on a protocol that has no benefit to you what so ever!?!?!

Oh, but it does! And for those with the cash to do it benefits just about any blogger! Read on if you want to know more.

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Theme tableflip!

Blog of S-Config Article Title Screen.

We have changed the theme to this site. Prey we do not change it again.

Today we have decided to completely table-flip the WordPress theme on our site. The Angular theme by kriesi was good for its time but if you could tell from the blog posts about all of the CSS and JS I was writing I was finding myself re-writing major parts of the theme just to get it to conform to today's standards of the web. The straw the finally broke my back as it was involved wanting a slightly larger resolution and maybe even changing and/or transparent backgrounds only to have it glitch out or crash the moment we begin writing the CSS.

Anyhow, for those interested keep reading. For those who don't care. Enjoy a faster site with less JavaScript action then before!

Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously.

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Furry Amino – Mixed Review

Furry Amino Chat System.

Furry Amino: Drink your Kool-Aid dietary supplement!

Here comes yet another chat system promising to bring the world together one community at a time in which that system is called "Furry Amino." You've probably heard a lot of "YouTubers" talk because Furry Amino wants promotion through reviews. Guess what Furry Amino? We're going to give you exactly what you wanted! Here is our unfiltered review about the latest and theoretical greatest in mobile technology which is Furry Amino. Let's just say Furry Amino is a bit of a mixed bag. Read on if you want to know more.

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Plugin reviews for WordPress.

Wordpress plugins title.

It's plugin review time for WordPress.

This time around we are going to be plugin reviewing; The very force that drives every WordPress site out on the internet. Instead of URL pointing you over to WordPress to show you each and every one of my entries thus far. We have taken all of the reviews and slammed them all in this posting. Understand the reviews stated here are only a reflection of the people that run this site and do not reflect the opinions of everyone in the entire WordPress community.

Read on if you won't see the ranting diatribe that we call our opinion.

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PNG and JPG Compression – Part 2

PNG and JPEG Optimization Title for Blog entries

Some more hot PNG and now JPG compression fun!

A while back I did a quick article about PNG compression. Looking back on it. We have to admit that it was a rather weak and lackluster approach to compression. We could easily go back and amend our newest discoveries but the discussion of compression expands into multiple formats. So lets dive right into what's going on with this site and probably every WordPress generated site in existence and why compression is all around good for you.


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Gaming from the past to the now.

Gaming from past to present title.

The experiences of gaming throughout the years.

There's an old saying that applies to gaming as well. The more things change the more they stay the same. Let us take a tour dealing with just the PC/LAN gaming aspect of gaming and how it has evolved from a hardware perspective over the years.

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Analytic death and tracking cookies.

Hacking and cookies title.

All of these God damned tracking cookies everywhere!

When you surf on just about any modern website you'll quickly get your information handed off to third party sites which generates tracking cookies. A lot of these third party sites which generate tracking cookies are supposed to make life easier. Developers who want to incorporate modern website necessities such as fonts for typographic work. Analytic graphics for those who see where people are coming from and why. And finally third party plugins such as video or even website gaming. Many of these functions come virtually free or are they free?

Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously

Read on if you want to know more.

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Controller games for the PC.

Party games Title.

Controller games that we liked to play on PC.

We decided it was time to break off a section for all of the controller games that you can play with your Xbox controller. In particular, we will be focusing on controller games that allow for couch/party mode. This is the mode that is most highlighted with games such as Smash Brothers on Nintendo consoles where a bunch of people all gather around one unit with a large TV instead of the more traditional LAN party environment where everyone is networked on their own individual PC. Any game that allows for more than one person to play on a single PC and preferably multiple people would qualify as a couch and/or party game.

So to anyone reading this, you are welcome to throw suggestions into the comments below. As we are not as synced with the gaming community as we once were we may miss some gems from the indie game scene which would be awesome to play.

Read on if you want to know more.

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The NextThing CHIP – In my dirty paws!

Nextthing CHIP Title.

 I got the NextThing CHIP in the mail today!

Let me tell you it's always a good feeling to get a new Kickstarter project in the mailbox today and this time around It's the NextThing CHIP or C.H.I.P. as they abbreviated however if I did the proper acronym for it then this article would get buried with probably my first postings online! Anyhow, let's dive right into this device.

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