PNG and JPG Compression – Part 2

PNG and JPEG Optimization Title for Blog entries

Some more hot PNG and now JPG compression fun!

A while back I did a quick article about PNG compression. Looking back on it. We have to admit that it was a rather weak and lackluster approach to compression. We could easily go back and amend our newest discoveries but the discussion of compression expands into multiple formats. So lets dive right into what's going on with this site and probably every WordPress generated site in existence and why compression is all around good for you.


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Gaming from the past to the now.

Gaming from past to present title.

The experiences of gaming throughout the years.

There's an old saying that applies to gaming as well. The more things change the more they stay the same. Let us take a tour dealing with just the PC/LAN gaming aspect of gaming and how it has evolved from a hardware perspective over the years.

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Analytic death and tracking cookies.

Hacking and cookies title.

All of these God damned tracking cookies everywhere!

When you surf on just about any modern website you'll quickly get your information handed off to third party sites which generates tracking cookies. A lot of these third party sites which generate tracking cookies are supposed to make life easier. Developers who want to incorporate modern website necessities such as fonts for typographic work. Analytic graphics for those who see where people are coming from and why. And finally third party plugins such as video or even website gaming. Many of these functions come virtually free or are they free?

Previously, Previously, Previously, Previously

Read on if you want to know more.

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Controller games for the PC.

Party games Title.

Controller games that we liked to play on PC.

We decided it was time to break off a section for all of the controller games that you can play with your Xbox controller. In particular, we will be focusing on controller games that allow for couch/party mode. This is the mode that is most highlighted with games such as Smash Brothers on Nintendo consoles where a bunch of people all gather around one unit with a large TV instead of the more traditional LAN party environment where everyone is networked on their own individual PC. Any game that allows for more than one person to play on a single PC and preferably multiple people would qualify as a couch and/or party game.

So to anyone reading this, you are welcome to throw suggestions into the comments below. As we are not as synced with the gaming community as we once were we may miss some gems from the indie game scene which would be awesome to play.

Read on if you want to know more.

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The NextThing CHIP – In my dirty paws!

Nextthing CHIP Title.

 I got the NextThing CHIP in the mail today!

Let me tell you it's always a good feeling to get a new Kickstarter project in the mailbox today and this time around It's the NextThing CHIP or C.H.I.P. as they abbreviated however if I did the proper acronym for it then this article would get buried with probably my first postings online! Anyhow, let's dive right into this device.

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SkyWolfEye 14500 li-ion battery – Way too many nouns!

SkyWolfEye Battery Title for Blog

SkyWolfEye Li-Ion battery review.

Straight from China is a new 14500 series Li-Ion battery from a company known as SkyWolfEye or as I affectionately put it "The battery with too many nouns." When you google just SkyWolfEye you end up finding a lot of flashlight reviews and not all of them bad. So a battery with the same name can't be all that terrible right? Let's find out!

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Netgear WNDR3700v2 7dbi antenna mod – nope!

Netgear wndr3700v2 title for blog

I performed the Netgear WNDR3700v2 7dbi antenna mod and I got some bad news.

I decided that I was going to do some upgrades to my Netgear WNDR3700v2 router with a 7dbi antenna mod which I bought off of eBay. This blog entry is to post my findings for all as a warning that the days of adding bigger antennae to a balanced "N" router is over. At least without some serious re-soldering of pads and possibly some legit 5ghz antennas. Read more to see the brutal details.

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Kindle Fire 7″ 5th Gen Tablet

Kindle Fire 7" title for blog.

Kindle Fire 7" 5th gen tablet is kind of awesome.

I have to say the Kindle Fire 7" (5th generation) tablet is kind of awesome once you scrub all of the ads and Amazon itself out of it! Don't get me wrong the Amazon store for Android apps is always an impressive thing to have on your unit but when those very apps start bombarding you with ads for non-prime customers is the line that gets drawn in the sand for me.

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Pine64 Pine A64 impression.

Pine A64 blog entry point.

Pine A64 with just a hint of Orange aftertaste!

I just received my Pine A64 or Pine64 from our good friends over at PixelDust and decided to not really do a review of it because it's way too early in the kick starter process to give a full scale review. So instead, I am just going to do an article about my impressions about this single-board computer. I should note that whenever I take a look at any piece of hardware on this site it is never a paid endorsement or advertisement from the original manufacturer and often times we'll use our own funds to purchase the hardware we write about.

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