Adventures in Ebay.

eBay: The story of lies, misdirection, and confusion.

For many who read our blogs, you've probably seen a lot of links going off to eBay for the hardware that we buy. Although there are probably better sources to get cheap electronics such as Amazon. However, eBay has always been our go-to source for a lot of bizarre things. This time around we purchased something rather mundane. What we ended up with is an eBay experience that is almost a teachable lesson on how fucked up business has gotten.

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Some http2 headaches.

Collapsing internet universe title.

Sitting on the bleeding edge with HTTP2 protocols. HTTP2 has been enabled shortly after we purchased an SSL connection. Since we were already running encryption on our blog then why not take advantage of another method that will speed up the site? This blog will continue to be enabled until a better transport protocol comes ... Read more

Linksys E8500 – DD-WRT Router

DD-WRt Router Title.

How we found our E8500 DD-WRT router.

Because of some of the work that we do in the really-real world we tend to work with non-profit accounts which shall remain unnamed for their security as well as our own. But one of the items that were scheduled for recycling/destruction was this Linksys E8500 router. This was super-odd to us because routers like these typically go for almost one-hundred U.S. dollars. Now, it could be dead for all we know! So we decided to take a chance while at the same time giving money to a charitable cause. Fifteen U.S. dollars later it was now in our possession. Time to roll our lucky dice! Read on if you want to know more.


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Infochammel Title.


Infochammel is a magical place. We talked about this site briefly on our Cellar Door as one of the few cool sites out there. But we feel it deserves its own article! The activity of that site is booming and shaking. To top it all off we had decided to advertise there now too!

Read on if you want to know more.

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Moving to 7-zip.

7-Zip Title.

7-Zip conversion is now in effect.

We have decided to proceed with the move converting any archived files into the 7-zip or .7z extension. The reason for this move is to help with getting users the files they need faster. This blog is ready to try new technologies to make communication faster. Thus, 7-zip will be a welcome addition. As an added side-effect transitioning to 7-zip will help with the backups and overall optimization.

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Plugin review: Yoast needs to stop linking itself.

Yoast SEO Plugin Title

Every piece of information is important. Yoast Disagrees!

I decided to write up a quick article/review about one of the plugins that we use here called "Yoast" or as the plugin delicately puts it "WordPress SEO". In an arrogant fashion that there is only one SEO package out there and that's it. For those who do not know what this plugin does. Yoast attempts to understand how search engines work. Yoast then passes down automated knowledge to the WordPress blogger on how to write up their documentation to make it more machine likable. Because of machines like your blog entry then you might stand a chance at a human actually seeing it. Crap, we're living in a rather grim state of affairs but it's true!

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Clarification about Xbox One controllers.

Xbox One Controller Blog Title.

We feel it's important to make a separate article about the Xbox One controller.

This was originally a part of the Chinese Xbox receiver guide that we made a few years back answering the simple question:

Can you use the Chinese Xbox receiver on an Xbox One controller?

To which the quick answer is: No If that's what you're looking for. Then we're glad to have answered your question. However, there is more to the explanation and why it may or may not really be an issue anymore.

Also, as of 1/2/2020, Microsoft has removed drivers for their controllers off of their site for Windows 7 users as well as removing offline installation of their driver for Windows 10 people. Don't worry guys! we got you covered in this blog as well.

Read on if you want to know more.

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DMOZ left and thanked us all for the fish! closed title.

The Directory Mozilla Open Source project ( DMOZ ) is now closed!

Standing tall for more than 19 years now the DMOZ has closed its doors to the internet. Source is WHOIS from January 2nd of 1999; To today where the announcement was made on their site March 17th, 2016. Also, there was two years where DMOZ/ODP was known as "Gnuhoo" which totals its 19-year existence. This news was discovered to us thanks to our broken links detection tool . WordPress users such as ourselves have this plugin installed. This hit us personally hard because of what the Open Directory Project stood for. Also, the simple fact that after many years that this very site was listed in the /Society/People/Furry/Personal Pages category of their site.

Read on for more.

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Google AMP does not understand what AMP means.

The greatest enemy of AMP is the company that designed it. - S

The vast universe of WordPress bloggers are installing the AMP plugin as another means of making it easier for people to find their content online. But is AMP itself really serving its purpose? Or is it self-serving as a way of extracting content from individual bloggers? Perhaps there's something more nefarious behind this simple protocol. Read on if you want to know more.

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