Site supported codec guidelines.

Glossary of the codecs this site supports.

This entry was designed to act as the clarification of the codecs that are currently supported on this site. We feel it is necessary to break this off into its own individual entry similar to what we did for 7-Zip so that anyone who is new to our site can understand what is happening here.

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State of the blog 2021.

State of the blog 2021 - Title.

State of the blog 2021. Now with more of that "Secret Sauce."

Hello, everyone out there in the vastness of the internet. This is "S" bringing to you an almost early edition of "State of the blog." This is mostly an overview of where we are going as well as a projection of where we would like to go in the future. Usually, we do a "state of the blog" at the start of a new year as a form of resolution of what projects we want to complete and which ones we want to start.

The overall challenges of blog-hosting in the year where the entire internet is funneled into a handful of networks owned by narcissistic assholes; Ex-television and radio executives just to name a small group of those people. However, within these dark times, we must take an opportunity to thank those who take the time to separate themselves from the giants of the net and visit this blog to read a few of our articles. That alone is worth the costs of running this server. So thank you to those reading.

Would you like to know more?

Read Onward.

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The Dark-Web: Hidden Wiki Edition!

The Hidden Wiki - Now with V3 onion goodness!

For anyone who has read articles in the past, this should come as no surprise of us reviewing a service such as the Hidden Wiki as they are on the "Spooky scary Dank-Web!".

However, know that we are big fans of the Dark-Web services. In the age of "Big Tech" attempting to delegitimize the mass of the Clear-Net as a whole in taking unique websites and burying them in an SEO-hellscape. The dark web to us is a fresh start. Almost a reset button to the earlier years of the internet. Where concepts like "Web-Rings" would pass you the reader along to like-minded websites. The dark-web by its very design cannot be tracked and cataloged by major corporations (At least not yet!) This means that the Dark-Web for those who want to be vocal about their services can post their links to people who may not want to be tracked on their day-to-day usage of their computers.

Read on if you want to know more.

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Video web crawlers and the Google Monopoly over them.

YouTube Monopoly Title

Happy 2021 - Web crawling only gives you YouTube first, last, and always.

Back in 2016, we made an article about asking YouTube "Where is the fair use?" which was a slogan that the Nostalgia Critic was behind as parodies and criticism of film and literature is a form of free speech. Despite all of the Drama-Lama action that his agent "Channel Awesome" happened which is beyond the scope of this article. The statement was a valid question to ask YouTube. To the point where we even got hit with a copyright strike over the song "William Tell" which is a classical music song that falls under the category of public domain.

Read on if you want to know more.

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The end of 2020, COVID, Cyberpunk and the RL

Harold Hiding the Cyberpunk 2077 pain.

As the end draws near we take a look at 2020.

We're not the kind of website that will get all political. We understand the value of politics and the right to free speech and to debate things. But as the end draws to a close for 2020 we would like to talk about the perspective of us the lowly bloggers and perhaps a video game review sandwiched right in the middle. There may be a few readers interested in what we have to say and to that handful that read through all of this, we thank you greatly.

This article is going to be a lot more word heavy. In part because I don't want to host images of video games. Except for the parody with Harold hiding the pain because in this situation it seems strangely appropriate. We would only be lying to you the reader if we told you that we were not inspired by the Cyberpunk aesthetic. It's in part why we kept the mid-2000's feel going for this site. Thus, talking about this game seems like the right thing to do.

Read on for one of those view times we go a game review here at

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Sleeper E-Server PC


For those who are curious: This is our Sleeper PC!

We're not entirely sure how many people want to see the very PC that is responsible for almost ninety-five percent of the content on this site. However, we noticed there was a thing going around social networks:

Show us your PC!

Now, in contrast to a lot of streamers gaming rigs as well as their battle-station of three to five monitors. Our setup is a little underwhelming but we do feel it's unique in other departments. One of those departments being that we took a giant ass server case. 16.5 inches tall, 20 inches long, 8.5 inches wide. We've had PC's like shuttles in the past and although they were cute. They were impossible to keep cool OR quiet. So screw it! We went in the opposite direction!

Read on if you want to know more.

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MOZ declaring sites as spam.

DMOZ Title.

What the hell is a MOZ?

Moz is a service that no one asked for. A variant of the old Google "PageRank" engine ideologies where just like that system is bases your 'domain authority' off of an obscure pyramid scheme of "more important" domains to prove your worth. MOZ isn't the first to try to 'rank' the internet. There was WOT (Website of Trust) which had it's own issues with legalities. And of course there's the Amazon Giant in the corner "Alexa" which quietly monitors everyone's website traffic if you want them to or not.

Read on to dive deeper into my diatribes.

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This site is a centralized network.

Centralized Website of S Title.

I don't feel dirty saying it's centralized because-

It's the execution of a centralized network that makes centralization terrible! Not the model itself! The blog of S-Config is a centralized network. Meaning that individuals paid money to a data center to host content at a single point of location for the rest of the internet to come in and acquire. This means that we share the same core philosophy as Facebook, Twitter, and the DOT com version of WordPress. But where we part ways is not forcing you to log in and identify yourselves. Because of this, although we have accounts on places like Mastodon. We don't advocate decentralization completely.

Read on if you wish to experience the diatribe.

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State of blog 2020.

S-Config Standing by state of the blog.

We haven't really done an update blog in a while.

So now it's time for the state of the blog 2020 edition. Here we tell you some of the things that have been happening here at and where we intend to move into the future here.

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Pine64 – PiHole – ChammelstrationMiser 4720K?!?!

Pine64 Revival ChammelStrator page header image.

4 years sitting in a desk drawer and now my Pine64 is back online.

A long time ago we did a review of a Kickstarter project known as the "Pine64." It was a $15 dollar arm processor board that came out after the Pi 2 in 2015. We were not one of the super-early backers and thus we got a 2016 board just like everyone else. When we did the review it wasn't overly favorable because during that era everyone was trying to "Kickstarter" their project but no one really had good foresight as to how to handle their product AFTER it was "kickstart' ed" for lack of a better word. We had hopes that in due time the OS would get more stable and these PIs that carry the Mali400 GPU chip sets would get useful again. So did it? Quick answer - Yes and No. Read on and if you want to know more.

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