Spam on Footer and SideBar...
In an effort to not confuse the hell out of Google, Bing and other search engines. I have cleaned up the footer spam on my site
All of the general blogs at once!
The general stream of consciousness fills your brain tubes! This is every blog posted on this site unfiltered and sorted by date. Have fun reading and thank you very much for checking out this very blog! If you would prefer a more filtered approach to reading you can check out BLOG.TXT for more information. As always, if anything goes wrong in terms of the web itself you can always contact us.
Server protect you.
In an effort to not confuse the hell out of Google, Bing and other search engines. I have cleaned up the footer spam on my site
As a man of the internet, I tend to sell things on eBay. Nothing major like cars or anything crazy like that.
Note: this was sitting on one of my old websites. It's still a good article. So I'm posting it here! K-Thanks-Bye!
Fursuit'ing and/or Animal mascot is the art of acting inside of a giant acrylic fiber suit that many of it's practices can be commercially dated back to the age of Walt Disney's theme parks. You can even go farther back dealing with paganistic religions that deal with dressing up in the pelts of animal skins that are akin to your personal spirit. But That may be pushing the topic of this article farther then I would like to go.
Done with the Pi and onwards to securing an Ouya it has certainly been a while since I posted on my own blog. I guess that happens when you're in the Christmas rush and your job relies on the notion that everyone needs their food and drugs. But I can save that for another story.
Today I will be purchasing a Raspberry Pi. And my reasons for doing so more-so on the ultra-light PC side of things versus the "build my own robot to destroy the world" type of investment. And just to let everyone know; I'm not going to gloat it's only $35 like half of the media outlets and advertisement campaigns say it is because that's kind of a load of crap.
A long time ago in a furry fandom that seems very far away. There was a comic called "Albedo" by Steve Gallacci which talked about animals in a far-off universe dealing with political issues and intrigue.
This test marks the first post since the integration into the WordPress system. All other entries before were pulled from various social networking sites as a method of consolidation.
I typed it out as best as I could. There was a lot of studdering on NewsReal and emotional involvement at the end. However, These are the last words from my favorite talk radio show. A show that sorted people out, talked about cyberpunk and did digital baptisms. It was getting me through the dark corridors of Y2K. But without further a due.
If you don't mind reading the rantings of a man which has seen too much. Which has the black helicopters roaming around his head?
The furry fandom is corporate mind control gone horribly wrong! Allow me to explain.
Now, taxing downloads and digital purchases. not only is this a -very- hard action to try and perform. The only people you're realistically going to screw over are American companies that are currently selling digital media. If I Paypal my songs from some Russian server run by the mob over in Moscow. they sure as hell are not going to pay Wisconsin 5.5 percent sales tax? This is almost as ridiculous of a tax as congress wanting to pass the 1 cent e-mail tax.