Raspberry Pi – Epic shopping binge!

Raspberry Pi Title Image

I want Raspberry Pi now! Can't wait to bake!

Today I will be purchasing a Raspberry Pi. And my reasons for doing so more-so on the ultra-light PC side of things versus the "build my own robot to destroy the world" type of investment. And just to let everyone know; I'm not going to gloat it's only $35 like half of the media outlets and advertisement campaigns say it is because that's kind of a load of crap.

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From the depths of the furry vaults.

Albedo Furry Font title.

Albedo fonts for furry are available!

A long time ago in a furry fandom that seems very far away. There was a comic called "Albedo" by Steve Gallacci which talked about animals in a far-off universe dealing with political issues and intrigue.

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test 1-2-3

Test Image - Title.

Welcome to test 1-2-3 Post.

This test marks the first post since the integration into the WordPress system. All other entries before were pulled from various social networking sites as a method of consolidation.

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An end to a great show. NewsReal @ Rantradio.com

NewsReal with Sean Kennedy - Title.

Goodbye NewsReal - It was awesome!

I typed it out as best as I could. There was a lot of studdering on NewsReal and emotional involvement at the end. However, These are the last words from my favorite talk radio show. A show that sorted people out, talked about cyberpunk and did digital baptisms. It was getting me through the dark corridors of Y2K. But without further a due.

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Wisconsin government tax pandora box. Don’t copy a floppy?

Wisconsin sales tax which can't be controlled.

Now, taxing downloads and digital purchases. not only is this a -very- hard action to try and perform. The only people you're realistically going to screw over are American companies that are currently selling digital media. If I Paypal my songs from some Russian server run by the mob over in Moscow. they sure as hell are not going to pay Wisconsin 5.5 percent sales tax? This is almost as ridiculous of a tax as congress wanting to pass the 1 cent e-mail tax.

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The fu-?!? This is just a dumb template! Seriously guys. This is just a test bed for our HTML5 code. We are just testing video streaming here! There is nothing all too special going on here. This is something we use for our video blogs. If you find it useful. great. If you are seeing ... Read more

Programmed Society

Programmed Society - Title

We are living in a programmed society.

Any avid listener of rant radio will know of the rantings of Sean Kennedy on such a subject dealing with programmed society. However, allow me to share my own experiences. At the Mall and I have come to the conclusion that. Society.. has been programmed like a cheap MMORPG..

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Quake 2 MD2 – Mazen Opossum

Mazen Title.

Because we were super bored, we are republishing our very first Quake 2 character, Mazen.

A long time ago and many computers passed we created our very first quake2 model. It was supposed to be an anthropomorphic Opossum by the name of "Mazen" and he was a model that can be used in quake2 for multiplayer deathmatches. Although getting the exact date and time of creation was difficult. I wrote a PDF tutorial on making quake2 and quake 3 models which had a creation date of October 14th of 2001. However, the last modified date of Mazen was March 03, of 2004. So we will go off of the last known edit date and place this blog entry on that date to not alarm anyone that this is "New" content we are adding here.

Between the creation of Quake 2 XP edition which had high-res textures as well as the RTX edition. We couldn't just release the classic Opossum model by itself. For starters, it couldn't even load in Quake 2 XP because the PCX images used were in a non-standard format. Well. We corrected that, as well as videos and downloads showing the entire process.

Read on if you wish to know more.

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