SkyWolfEye 14500 li-ion battery – Way too many nouns!

SkyWolfEye Battery Title for Blog

SkyWolfEye Li-Ion battery review.

Straight from China is a new 14500 series Li-Ion battery from a company known as SkyWolfEye or as I affectionately put it "The battery with too many nouns." When you google just SkyWolfEye you end up finding a lot of flashlight reviews and not all of them bad. So a battery with the same name can't be all that terrible right? Let's find out!

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Netgear WNDR3700v2 7dbi antenna mod – nope!

Netgear wndr3700v2 title for blog

I performed the Netgear WNDR3700v2 7dbi antenna mod and I got some bad news.

I decided that I was going to do some upgrades to my Netgear WNDR3700v2 router with a 7dbi antenna mod which I bought off of eBay. This blog entry is to post my findings for all as a warning that the days of adding bigger antennae to a balanced "N" router is over. At least without some serious re-soldering of pads and possibly some legit 5ghz antennas. Read more to see the brutal details.

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Kindle Fire 7″ 5th Gen Tablet

Kindle Fire 7" title for blog.

Kindle Fire 7" 5th gen tablet is kind of awesome.

I have to say the Kindle Fire 7" (5th generation) tablet is kind of awesome once you scrub all of the ads and Amazon itself out of it! Don't get me wrong the Amazon store for Android apps is always an impressive thing to have on your unit but when those very apps start bombarding you with ads for non-prime customers is the line that gets drawn in the sand for me.

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Pine64 Pine A64 impression.

Pine A64 blog entry point.

Pine A64 with just a hint of Orange aftertaste!

I just received my Pine A64 or Pine64 from our good friends over at PixelDust and decided to not really do a review of it because it's way too early in the kick starter process to give a full scale review. So instead, I am just going to do an article about my impressions about this single-board computer. I should note that whenever I take a look at any piece of hardware on this site it is never a paid endorsement or advertisement from the original manufacturer and often times we'll use our own funds to purchase the hardware we write about.

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Tor Networks for private browsing.

Tor Networks blog title.

Tor network privacy for the hyper-paranoid internet user.

Tor networks for those seeking privacy from the ever-creeping internet that seems to want to know about your privacy. And no, we're not talking about the government/NSA. They have a hard enough time sending my taxes to the right mailbox. We're mostly talking about corporate data farming. And how we fully support anything that keeps the browsing habits away from governments and corporations only interested in getting the most pay-click out of your site. Whenever you type something into a search engine and suddenly it responds with items that are local only to the area that is a company using your IP address location against you in the hopes that you'll respond better to one of their ads. That in itself is manipulating the internet in some shitty marketing tactic. instead of opening the internet for the user.

Read on if you want to learn more.

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Elgato Game Capture HD60 driver issues.

Elgato HD60 game capture title.

Elgato strikes again with the driver's woes. The Elgato game capture device is one of the devices in my blogging tools for when I decide to do a video blog. Much to my surprise, version 3.0 of their video editing software was released. And upon downloading it the Elgato update tool not only tried to ... Read more

Orange Pi needs to go back into the oven.

Orange Pi review blog - title

Orange Pi - Is it ready for the world?

We received the Orange Pi (Or OrangePi) because like many Pi users, I am always looking for something faster to run emulators and games within the ARM-based universe. Emulation on the Raspberry Pi is good but lags a little for the more CPU intensive emulation like Nintendo 64 as just one example. When Orange Pi initially released their $15 (plus 3 dollar shipping from auction site ali-express) dollar computer featuring a quad-core based arm7 processor at around 1.6ghz. It was certainly worth a try.

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Web Isolation – State of the config – fonts and more

Art from weavesilk - title

Web Isolation, fonts, and the overall state of config that is "S".

It's been a while since I did an update on my website and I want to talk about Web Isolation. Work and being a responsible human being is a brutal thing. There isn't a whole lot of personal blogging that goes on here because I don't think there's anything all that interesting to say about "S-Config" as a person. Instead, I just want to focus on the data instead. And I think everyone agrees it's a way better move. I suppose lets talk about the first aspect of what I have been doing with this Blog which is:

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Banana Pi Case Mod v2

Banana Pi Case Mod - Title

Banana Pi the Case Mod edition:

In the spirit of my previous blog post dealing with I-Pac mod It's time the Banana Pi gets a face-lift with a new case mod. The reason why I'm doing this comes down to a lot of things that all boil down to the fact that my needs from this unit changed a lot over the years. This blog is just a minor update of what we have been doing in between jobs.

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